Monday, January 27, 2020

Domestic Violence in Society | Research

Domestic Violence in Society | Research INTRODUCTION The domestic violence is customary in our society. It has varying manifestations in the society along with the causes which give rise to the domestic violence. Domestic violence in any form, is detrimental for the family and hence society. It has hostile bearings upon the lives of people, children, women and adolescents which result stirring space by disturbing social relationships. Domestic violence with enduring impacts can affect the healthy growth of the society. The main concern of this study is to determine the domestic violence in the society. Education and health of a woman are major concerns towards a healthy growth of the family and society. In our society where patriarchal patterns are followed and women has been given a subordinate place. The low education level and conventional thinking result into domestic violence. Domestic violence has had been faced by women from all walks of life, ethnic groups, social classes, races, religious groups and also in developed and devel oping countries. We have analyzed the domestic violence in rural and urban areas of Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir. We determined causes of domestic violence; the major thing in this research is the use of severity index model to measure the level of physical and psychological severity of domestic violence. Domestic Violence Family violence also called domestic violence; the domestic violence is an act of violence between family members, the adult partners, the partners against elders and siblings. The domestic violence manifested in any form is harmful and it has worst impacts to the parties whether inmate partner or other members and hence the siblings. â€Å"Intimate partner violence is a pattern of purposeful coercive behaviours that may include inflicted physical injury, psychological abuse, sexual assault, progressive social isolation, stalking, deprivation, intimidation and threats. These behaviours are perpetrated by someone who is, was or wishes to be involved in an intimate or dating relationship with an adult or adolescent victim and are aimed at establishing control of one partner over the other† The specific definition of domestic violence includes threats, restricted freedom, and sexual, physical and psychological abuses. It is evident that psychological and physical violence can have developmental and behavioural impacts. It is important to cure the impacts of domestic violence psychologically (Family Violence Prevention Fund, 1999). †Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence, is defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, or cohabitation† (Shipway, 2004). The domestic violence is: the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another; also: a repeated / habitual pattern of such behavior† (Meriem Webster, 2011) â€Å"There is acknowledgment that many victims are not actually married to the abuser, but rather cohabiting or in other arrangements† (Waits and Kathleen, 1985). Violence customarily takes three general forms, physical, sexual and psychological. Physical Abuse includes grabbing and pushing, serious acts of choking, beating and an assault with weapon (Sarah, et al. 2000). â€Å"Domestic violence is an abuse of power. It is the domination, coercion, intimidation and victimization of one person by another by physical, sexual or emotional means within intimate relationships† (Kelsey, et al. 2000). The behavior of sons and in-laws towards the violence is essential to note that women are beaten by their sons, parents and in-laws (Iqbal, 1990). World Health Organization in 2005 conducted a multi-country study on domestic violence which showed that 15% women faced physical violence whereas 71% faced sexual violence by their inmate partners. Among the countries 20% and 75% of women had been victim of emotional abuse for last one year (Garcia, et al. 2006). The young women are often taken from Bangladesh, Thailand in order to serve as domestic servants in the homes of wealthy people. They are desecrated, demoralized and battered physically and sexually (Collective, 1990). Majlis-e-Khawateen is fundamentalist women group established by government to oblige the women and women rights (Mumtaz and Shaheed, 1987). The South-East Asia region is known for patriarchal tradition. The women face social, economic and cultural deterrents. There are certain traditions and norms, which are followed and the law enforcement agencies cannot influence to combat the violence. On the other hand, these agencies are also found involved in rape, acid attacks, and other forms of abuses. For past few decades the women materialized globally against the domestic violence and made their efforts to contribute and condensed the male dominance at home and in the country (Khan, et al. 1990). The women from all social classes, races, ethnicities, religious groups, developed and developing countries and of any age have been victim of violence. It is obvious that violence is generally described in family of domestic realm. The term domestic means violence by inmate partner and by family members. It is mostly revealed as physical, sexual, psychological and emotional. The domestic violence in developing and developed countries generally ranges from 15-17 percent (WHO, 2005). Domestic violence or battering women, maltreated utterly either physically or psychologically twice by a husband for having subtle relations. If the above definition is assumed for domestic violence then all wives do face abuses at some stages after marriage. Later abused women were described as â€Å"subjected to intense criticism, put downs, verbal harassment, sexual coercion and assault, physical attacks and intimidation, restrain of normal activities, freedom and denial of access to resources† (Walker, 1985). Violence include forced marriages, rape and domestic violence which are serious problems faced by a women. The physical and psychological abuses reported by over 85% women in Pakistan. The honor killing cases are also at large and Human Right Commission of Pakistan reported in 2008 that 1019 women have been victim of honor killing and in 2005, 10,000 lives were lost.[1] The status of women contrasts in all walks of life and in demography as well. It has diverse arrays of norms and traditions and their sways. The women working as pilots whereas some still buried alive in tribal areas in the patriarchal society. On other hand women are used as a sex object by media and portrayal on billboards can be seen universally. The women in some parts of Pakistan are restituted for their basic rights. They are not provided identical opportunities for what they deserve. The World Economic Forum placed Pakistan at 56 among the 58 countries which show the highest gender gap among the countries. The extremism has been considered a hindrance in the women development.[2] The states sign a treaty with international human rights as an obligation to gauge the domestic violence and to take measures to control it. It is found as a duty in American deceleration on the rights and duties of man. The UN committee on elimination of racial discrimination endorse that the domestic violence is human rights violation and states are obliged to protect and provide access to justice for victims without any discrimination and additional barriers (Libal Parekh, 2009). The UN failed to respond the domestic violence properly and the states have also failed in addressing the domestic violence adequately. Some countries still don’t have appropriate laws which could protect victims and punish the batterers. Only 89 countries have legislation against domestic violence (Murray, 2008). In developed and developing countries, domestic violence has been a public health issue and has considerable importance (Watts and Zimmerman, 2002, Heise, Raikes, Watts, et al. 1994, WHO, 1997, Kapoor, 2000). In Bradford UK, a study was conducted among Muslim men and women and it was concluded that men use Islam as a source of domestic violence whereas women use Islam as a ladder to gain strength and a way of negotiation for the taboos extended by partners (Macey, 1999). Domestic violence reveals at all levels of society and has varying forms. Recently, it became the concerning area bringing awareness of its commonness and impacts. It ranges from covert to overt acts (Hassan, 1995). In stereotypical society, where wife is considered as sole property of better half and justified it as a private and internal issue of family. This behavior is critical and the wives need endowment of a remedial law. For this in every Tehsil or sub district, government appoints a protection committee of police officers and two women counselors along with a protection officer to hear the aggrieved cases and provide the necessary protection (Rukhsana, 2009). Physical Violence In societies, the main cause which is considered to be a source of domestic violence is the present social structure, women are physically violated by men and men do justify violence against women where the women ultimately give in. Violence is not a common thing to explain (Gelles, 1979). Violence depends upon the man’s education, if there is lower level of education then there will be violence and men justify physical violence to their spouses (Haj, 1998). The women are considered the weaker section of the society and also poorer in status as to men and have been a victim of violence due to that position. The women do perceive themselves insecure due to violence by an inmate partner. When a person is violated physically and has a sense of insecurity then it has adverse emotional effects on their personalities. The women who leave marriages are taunted by families and societies for being a burden. The women lose their children and there is nothing reciprocal which eventually becomes social stigma. The women are not helped by police and the institutions as well. The dilemma of battered women is considered by police as confidential in case of marital abuse where the counselor advice to be a conventional wife (Hassan, 1995). There is astonishing statistics; the actual level of the issue is undermined by the researchers and experts. All the cases are not conveyed to law enforcement agencies and most of the cases are repressed. The studies are often based on police reports and police manipulates the actual facts and level of violence (Durose, 2005). All Muslim societies are critiqued for human rights violation and also for women rights. There are many reports on domestic violence in Pakistani media but the two published studies describe that 150 women were asked about health care facilities in Karachi, 34% of women faced physical abuse and it shows association with domestic violence whereas 43% of male respondents justified the violence when a wife used contraceptive without her husband’s consent (Bawah, et al. 1999). Psychological Violence A person who is abused by her partner is called a victim. A battered wife with typical personality is restraint, nervous with low self-confidence. The women mostly come from restricted and conventional environment where men and women are traditional and victimized (Niaz, 1995). Psychological abuse is fundamentally a systematic attempt to distort one’s thinking and behaviour. Psychological violence includes certain behaviours like seclusion, persuaded incapacity, extreme jealousy and threats (Stordeur, et al. 1989). Human Rights Watch reports in â€Å"Crime and Custom† that domestic violence is not a casual it is rather structural. It is stated that structure of family has some doings, motions and phenomenon which are the causes of domestic violence usually. This hallucination of structure is conceptualized by the society that rejects the discrimination of male and female and brings them to the equal level of the social ladder. It can be operationalized as soon as possible with the vigorous input of the NGO’s, government departments and civil society. Now, the time is to concentrate on this issue to protect the upcoming generation in Pakistan (Khan, n.d). WHO in 2005 conducted a multi-country study and concluded the high ratio of abuse. The violence against women by partner has been a main cause in health concerns. Women are at greater risk at home than anywhere else (Garcia, et al. 2005). Varying forms of violence exist in our county. Women are snubbed, disregarded and even found intolerable by a large section of society (Report of the Commission of Inquiry for Women: Pakistan, 1997). Domestic violence is one of the most pervasive human rights violations across the globe. Estimates are that one-third of the world’s women will endure an abusive relationship (UN Commission on the Status of Women, 2000). Abusive relationships formed by many factors which cover the battering phenomenon. The status of women became inferior when mistrust develops in environs. Domestic violence can be a result of stress and strains of family. The abuser and victim can have some features which give rise to abusive relationships (Mintz, et al. 1997). Variables The variables are as given below: Dependent Variables/ Demographic Variables Education of respondent Education of husband of respondent Education of in-laws No of children Sex of children How the respondent is married Family system Marriage type Social status of husband Residence of respondents Independent Variables The independent variables are categorized into physical and psychological to analyze the severity of the domestic violence as given below: Severity of Physical Violence Kick the partner Slap the partner Throw objects at partner Grabbing the hairs of partner Severity of Psychological Violence Taunt the partner Insult the partner Curse the partner Curse to partner’s parents Quarrel on financial matters by partner Relations of partner with other women Harm belongings of partner Permission of partner to see the parents Fulfilment of Needs by partner Monitoring of time by the partner In-laws taunt to partner Provision of decision making by partner The above mentioned variables are analyzed to find out the severity of the domestic violence in the urban and rural areas of Muzaffarabad. Rational of the Study The domestic violence is known as inmate partner violence and forcible behaviors that may include abuses, imposing behavior, the physical injuries, psychological abuse, sexual assault, social exclusion, depravation and threats. The use of power by inmate partners to their spouses. The patriarchal trends prevalent in the society justify the violence. The purpose of this study is to know the extent of domestic violence, its forms, causes and Severity Index Model is used to know the level of physical and psychological violence prevalent in the society. This research work is helpful for Government organizations, NGO’s, researchers and students to formulate the policies, conduct further research and initiate the programs regarding the mitigation of domestic violence. [1] [2](source: ) Strategies of Privacy: Managing Constant Query Evaluation Strategies of Privacy: Managing Constant Query Evaluation STRATEGIES OF PRIVACY FOR MANAGING CONSTANT EVALUATION OF QUERIES ABSTRACT: The problems of data confidentiality are fetching more and more significant and not easy to handle. While preserving database confidentiality or else privacy of the individuals concerned, we require assuring that database makes available as informative answers to needy. The design as well as functioning of a database would be constructed in an approach that will permit users to get hold of and analyze information from a database devoid of allowing its users to access subjects’ confidential information. Our advancement towards data protection difficulty is based on provisions of what users are not authorized to access all the way through query answers, which is relatively normal. When a user poses a query towards database, system practically update various attribute values on basis of confidentiality views connected to that user. Null values as well as imperfect databases have received concentration of database community and might have quite a lot of possible interpretations. T he semantics of null-based virtual updates in support of data privacy that we make available is model-theoretic, in sense that probable permissible instances subsequent to the update, so-called secrecy instances, are distinct and considered. Keywords: Data confidentiality, Attribute values, Database, Null value, Views. 1. INTRODUCTION: In the present days, level of constantly evolving database as well as internet technology has facilitated collection and mining concerning data, plus utilization of that data on a level that was earlier incredible. There is a basic trade-off among functionality of database or else a database management system as well as level of privacy specified to the subjects of database. While there are numerous benefits to advancements in database management system technology, its initiation has also formed likelihood for noteworthy abuses. The design as well as functioning of a database would be constructed in an approach that will permit users to get hold of and analyze information from a database devoid of allowing its users to access subjects’ confidential information. Several recent papers approach data confidentiality as well as access control on basis of authorization views. View-based data privacy generally approaches difficulty by specifying which views a user is authorized to ac cess. If no complete rewriting is probable, the query is discarded. Our advancement towards data protection difficulty is based on provisions of what users are not authorized to access all the way through query answers, which is relatively normal. In accordance with our approach, the information to be sheltered is confirmed as a secrecy view, or else a collection of them. Their extensions have to be reserved undisclosed. Each user or else class of them might have connected a set of confidentiality views. We want our approach to be appropriate to, and implementable on, database management system that conform to SQL Standard, and are employed in database practice. We focus on that situation and SQL nulls, leaving for potential future work the essential modifications for our approach to effort with previous kinds of null values. When a user poses a query towards database, system practically update various attribute values on basis of confidentiality views connected to that user. Data o wners typically contain a clearer picture of data that are responsive rather than concerning data that can be openly released. Dealing with problem as the complement of problem formulated in terms of permission views is not normal, and not unavoidably easy, as complements of database views would be concerned. 2. METHODOLOGY: Database management systems permit for enormous storage of data, which can be resourcefully accessed as well as manipulated. The problems of data confidentiality are fetching more and more significant and not easy to handle. Sensitive, confidential as well as critical information is frequently kept in databases. To defend this information from being contacted by third-parties devoid of clearance, companies as well as organizations have to be industrious concerning data protection. While preserving database confidentiality or else privacy of the individuals concerned, we require assuring that database makes available as informative answers to needy. We consider updates that amend attribute values all the way through null values, which are generally used to stand for omitted or else unidentified values in incomplete databases. As a result, in each of resulting updated instances, the expansion of each of secrecy views moreover turn out to be empty or else contain a single tuple showing simply null values. Either way, we state that secrecy view turn out to be null subsequently, original query is posed towards resulting class of updated instance which amounts to: Posing query towards each instance in class; answering it as normal from each of them; collecting answers that are pooled by all instances within class. The system will return answer towards query that does not make known the secret data. Null values as well as imperfect databases have received concentration of database community and might have quite a lot of possible interpretations. Figure1: An overview of building of Query Evaluation 3. APPROACH TOWARDS DATA PRIVACY: Our advancement towards data protection difficulty is based on provisions of what users are not authorized to access all the way through query answers, which is relatively normal. In accordance with our approach, the information to be sheltered is confirmed as a secrecy view, or else a collection of them. Figure1 illustrates common architecture employed in query evaluation. Dealing with problem as the complement of problem formulated in terms of permission views is not normal, and not unavoidably easy, as complements of database views would be concerned. We want our approach to be appropriate to, and implementable on, database management system that conform to SQL Standard, and are employed in database practice. We focus on that situation and SQL nulls, leaving for potential future work the essential modifications for our approach to effort with previous kinds of null values. As the SQL standard does not make available a precise, recognized semantics for NULL, we define and approve a formal, logical rebuilding of conjunctive query answering under SQL nulls. Dealing with problem as the complement of problem formulated in terms of permission views is not normal, and not unavoidably easy, as complements of database views would be concerned. We set up unary predicates Is Null as well as Is Not Null in logical formulas that are accurate only when argument is, resp. is not, constant NULL. This treatment concerning null values was outlined, but we build it precise. It captures logics along with semantics of the SQL NULL that are applicable for our effort. These aspects of nulls are essential to make available essential scientific foundations for our approach towards confidentiality. The semantics of null-based virtual updates in support of data privacy that we make available is model-theoretic, in sense that probable permissible instances subsequent to the update, so-called secrecy instances, are distinct and considered. This definition capture requirement that, on a confidentiality occurrence, extensions of secrecy views hold only a tuple by means of null values or else turn out to be empty. The secrecy instance does not head off from unique instance by more than essential to put into effect secrecy. 4. CONCLUSION: While there are numerous benefits to advancements in database management system technology, its initiation has also formed likelihood for noteworthy abuses. Several recent papers approach data confidentiality as well as access control on basis of authorization views. There is a basic trade-off among functionality of database or else a database management system as well as level of privacy specified to the subjects of database. To defend this information from being contacted by third-parties devoid of clearance, companies as well as organizations have to be industrious concerning data protection. Our advancement towards data protection difficulty is based on provisions of what users are not authorized to access all the way through query answers, which is relatively normal. In accordance with our approach, the information to be sheltered is confirmed as a secrecy view, or else a collection of them. We consider updates that amend attribute values all the way through null values, which a re generally used to stand for omitted or else unidentified values in incomplete databases. As a result, in each of resulting updated instances, the expansion of each of secrecy views moreover turn out to be empty or else contain a single tuple showing simply null values. Null values as well as imperfect databases have received concentration of database community and might have quite a lot of possible interpretations. As the SQL standard does not make available a precise, recognized semantics for NULL, we define and approve a formal, logical rebuilding of conjunctive query answering under SQL nulls.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Business Environment of Sri Lanka Telecom Plc Essay

If not for all of them my assignment wouldn’t have been a success. Kevin De Silva Executive Summary This assignment gives an exhaustive analysis focusing mainly on the business environment on one of the most leading companies in the communication industry of Sri Lanka. It is also the national telecommunication service provider of the country, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC. Task one gives an in-depth analysis of what the organization is, on what corner stone’s it is built on, what it is now, and its purpose of existence, based on their norms, beliefs and traditions. Such as their vision, mission, aims, goals, market share and market growth. It also shows the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders, considering the expectations of the stakeholders, and the responsibility the organization has towards them. Task two (part one), explains the market types that are available in the industry, and in which market type SLT operates in. It also shows the demand in the total industry versus the supply of SLT showing how much of the market is being served and satisfied by them. The reasons for their success in being the number one service provider is identified through their level of innovation, technology and research and development, and is also shown how it is linked in operating in the global arena and the global impact of the organization, the markets they are targeting and how they are planning to enter those emerging markets. At the end of these two tasks we will have a very good understanding on the business environment of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC. Task two (part two), with related to the previous tasks have a more generalized approach. It speaks about two main instruments in the economy the monetary and fiscal policy. This is then related to Sri Lanka and United Kingdom by showing the similarities and differences in the execution of these policies. It then shows the effects of these economic policies on the communication industry, by showing how it affects the sales and production. The tax trend of the organization and reasons for the trend are also shown. All these information will be presented briefly and clearly in a single page poster. Task two (part three), is a presentation on the key economic factors of Mexico. The slides of the presentation are attached. California Management Review. 1983. Stockholders and Stakeholders: A new perspective on Corporate Governance. ) Diagram 3 – Categorization of Stakeholders â€Å"We have thus enhanced value with each of our stakeholder segments – shareholders, customers, employees, investors, suppliers, regulatory and other related state authorities, the media, the community and in the larger context, the State. † (Sri Lanka Telecom. 2011. Sustainability Report: 2010. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Telecom. ) 3. 2 Employees Employees are those who keep the organization in operation, while expecting salaries and wages in return, along with job security and job satisfaction. They have the power to influence the quality of the service of the organization. SLT has a labour force of 6,297 as of June 2011. (TRCSL. 13/10/2011. Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka: Statistics 2011 June. [Online]. Available: http://www. trc. gov. lk/information/statistics. html. [27/12/2011]. ) 3. 3 Shareholders Shareholders are those who invest in the organization expecting higher dividends. They have the power to elect the directors of the organization. Shareholders of SLT are as follows, * Government of Sri Lanka which holds 52% * Global Telecommunication Holdings N. V. of Netherlands 44. 98% * Public 3. 02% 3. 4 Customers Customers are the key stakeholders of any organization, if not for customers the organization wouldn’t exist. They expect value for money and good services, and they have the power to influence the revenue of the business. SLT’s customer base is over 5. 5million. â€Å"The SLT Group has a customer base of over five and a half million including multinational corporations, large and small corporate, retail and domestic customers† (Sri Lanka Telecom. 2011. Management Report: 2010. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Telecom. ) 3. 5 Suppliers Suppliers are those who supply all the raw materials for an organization to function. In the case of SLT it could be electronic equipment and accessories that aid the telecommunication industry. The suppliers influence the quality, price and availability of the products, and they expect prompt payments and long term contracts. Some of the suppliers for SLT are ZTE Corporation China and other suppliers from Thailand. â€Å"†¦. while related team members visited the equipment supplier in Thailand for more in depth skill development† (Sri Lanka Telecom. 2011. Management Report: 2010. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Telecom. ) 3. 6 Government Diversify our portfolio of products and services and diversify our business through new innovative business models, sustainable partnerships. (Sri Lanka Telecom. 2011. Management Report: 2010. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Telecom. ) 4. 5 Market Share Fixed and Mobile Broadband – Total Market Share Diagram 4 – Total Market Share (Fixed and Mobile Broadband) Fixed Line – Total Market Share Diagram 5 – Total Market Share (Fixed Line) (Sri Lanka Telecom. 2011. Annual Report: 2010,2009,2008,2007,2006. Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka Telecom. ) 4. 6 Growth of Market Share

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Lost Symbol Chapter 30-32

CHAPTER 30 SB level. Senate basement. Robert Langdon's claustrophobia gripped him more tightly with every hastening step of their descent. As they moved deeper into the building's original foundation, the air became heavy, and the ventilation seemed nonexistent. The walls down here were an uneven blend of stone and yellow brick. Director Sato typed on her BlackBerry as they walked. Langdon sensed a suspicion in her guarded manner, but the feeling was quickly becoming reciprocal. Sato still hadn't told him how she knew Langdon was here tonight. An issue of national security? He had a hard time understanding any relation between ancient mysticism and national security. Then again, he had a hard time understanding much of anything about this situation. Peter Solomon entrusted me with a talisman . . . a deluded lunatic tricked me into bringing it to the Capitol and wants me to use it to unlock a mystical portal . . . possibly in a room called SBB13. Not exactly a clear picture. As they pressed on, Langdon tried to shake from his mind the horrible image of Peter's tattooed hand, transformed into the Hand of the Mysteries. The gruesome picture was accompanied by Peter's voice: The Ancient Mysteries, Robert, have spawned many myths . . . but that does not mean they themselves are fiction. Despite a career studying mystical symbols and history, Langdon had always struggled intellectually with the idea of the Ancient Mysteries and their potent promise of apotheosis. Admittedly, the historical record contained indisputable evidence that secret wisdom had been passed down through the ages, apparently having come out of the Mystery Schools in early Egypt. This knowledge moved underground, resurfacing in Renaissance Europe, where, according to most accounts, it was entrusted to an elite group of scientists within the walls of Europe's premier scientific think tank–the Royal Society of London–enigmatically nicknamed the Invisible College. This concealed â€Å"college† quickly became a brain trust of the world's most enlightened minds– those of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, and even Benjamin Franklin. Today, the list of modern â€Å"fellows† was no less impressive–Einstein, Hawking, Bohr, and Celsius. These great minds had all made quantum leaps in human understanding, advances that, according to some, were the result of their exposure to ancient wisdom hidden within the Invisible College. Langdon doubted this was true, although certainly there had been an unusual amount of â€Å"mystical work† taking place within those walls. The discovery of Isaac Newton's secret papers in 1936 had stunned the world by revealing Newton's all-consuming passion for the study of ancient alchemy and mystical wisdom. Newton's private papers included a handwritten letter to Robert Boyle in which he exhorted Boyle to keep â€Å"high silence† regarding the mystical knowledge they had learned. â€Å"It cannot be communicated,† Newton wrote, â€Å"without immense damage to the world.† The meaning of this strange warning was still being debated today. â€Å"Professor,† Sato said suddenly, glancing up from her BlackBerry, â€Å"despite your insistence that you have no idea why you're here tonight, perhaps you could shed light on the meaning of Peter Solomon's ring.† â€Å"I can try,† Langdon said, refocusing. She produced the specimen bag and handed it to Langdon. â€Å"Tell me about the symbols on his ring.† Langdon examined the familiar ring as they moved through the deserted passageway. Its face bore the image of a double-headed phoenix holding a banner proclaiming ORDO AB CHAO, and its chest was emblazoned with the number 33. â€Å"The double-headed phoenix with the number thirty-three is the emblem of the highest Masonic degree.† Technically, this prestigious degree existed solely within the Scottish Rite. Nonetheless, the rites and degrees of Masonry were a complex hierarchy that Langdon had no desire to detail for Sato tonight. â€Å"Essentially, the thirty- third degree is an elite honor reserved for a small group of highly accomplished Masons. All the other degrees can be attained by successful completion of the previous degree, but ascension to the thirty-third degree is controlled. It's by invitation only.† â€Å"So you were aware that Peter Solomon was a member of this elite inner circle?† â€Å"Of course. Membership is hardly a secret.† â€Å"And he is their highest-ranking official?† â€Å"Currently, yes. Peter heads the Supreme Council Thirty-third Degree, which is the governing body of the Scottish Rite in America.† Langdon always loved visiting their headquarters–the House of the Temple–a classical masterpiece whose symbolic ornamentation rivaled that of Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel. â€Å"Professor, did you notice the engraving on the ring's band? It bears the words `All is revealed at the thirty-third degree.' â€Å" Langdon nodded. â€Å"It's a common theme in Masonic lore.† â€Å"Meaning, I assume, that if a Mason is admitted to this highest thirty-third degree, then something special is revealed to him?† â€Å"Yes, that's the lore, but probably not the reality. There's always been conspiratorial conjecture that a select few within this highest echelon of Masonry are made privy to some great mystical secret. The truth, I suspect, is probably far less dramatic.† Peter Solomon often made playful allusions to the existence of a precious Masonic secret, but Langdon always assumed it was just a mischievous attempt to coax him into joining the brotherhood. Unfortunately, tonight's events had been anything but playful, and there had been nothing mischievous about the seriousness with which Peter had urged Langdon to protect the sealed package in his daybag. Langdon glanced forlornly at the plastic bag containing Peter's gold ring. â€Å"Director,† he asked, â€Å"would you mind if I held on to this?† She looked over. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"It's very valuable to Peter, and I'd like to return it to him tonight.† She looked skeptical. â€Å"Let's hope you get that chance.† â€Å"Thanks.† Langdon pocketed the ring. â€Å"Another question,† Sato said as they hastened deeper into the labyrinth. â€Å"My staff said that while cross-checking the concepts of the `thirty-third degree' and `portal' with Masonry, they turned up literally hundreds of references to a `pyramid'?† â€Å"That's not surprising, either,† Langdon said. â€Å"The pyramid builders of Egypt are the forerunners of the modern stonemasons, and the pyramid, along with Egyptian themes, is very common in Masonic symbolism.† â€Å"Symbolizing what?† â€Å"The pyramid essentially represents enlightenment. It's an architectural symbol emblematic of ancient man's ability to break free from his earthly plane and ascend upward toward heaven, toward the golden sun, and ultimately, toward the supreme source of illumination.† She waited a moment. â€Å"Nothing else?† Nothing else?! Langdon had just described one of history's most elegant symbols. The structure through which man elevated himself into the realm of the gods. â€Å"According to my staff,† she said, â€Å"it sounds like there is a much more relevant connection tonight. They tell me there exists a popular legend about a specific pyramid here in Washington–a pyramid that relates specifically to the Masons and the Ancient Mysteries?† Langdon now realized what she was referring to, and he tried to dispel the notion before they wasted any more time. â€Å"I am familiar with the legend, Director, but it's pure fantasy. The Masonic Pyramid is one of D.C.'s most enduring myths, probably stemming from the pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States.† â€Å"Why didn't you mention it earlier?† Langdon shrugged. â€Å"Because it has no basis in fact. Like I said, it's a myth. One of many associated with the Masons.† â€Å"And yet this particular myth relates directly to the Ancient Mysteries?† â€Å"Sure, as do plenty of others. The Ancient Mysteries are the foundation for countless legends that have survived in history–stories about powerful wisdom protected by secret guardians like the Templars, the Rosicrucians, the Illuminati, the Alumbrados–the list goes on and on. They are all based on the Ancient Mysteries . . . and the Masonic Pyramid is just one example.† â€Å"I see,† Sato said. â€Å"And what does this legend actually say?† Langdon considered it for a few steps and then replied, â€Å"Well, I'm no specialist in conspiracy theory, but I am educated in mythology, and most accounts go something like this: The Ancient Mysteries–the lost wisdom of the ages–have long been considered mankind's most sacred treasure, and like all great treasures, they have been carefully protected. The enlightened sages who understood the true power of this wisdom learned to fear its awesome potential. They knew that if this secret knowledge were to fall into uninitiated hands, the results could be devastating; as we said earlier, powerful tools can be used either for good or for evil. So, in order to protect the Ancient Mysteries, and mankind in the process, the early practitioners formed secret fraternities. Inside these brotherhoods, they shared their wisdom only with the properly initiated, passing the wisdom from sage to sage. Many believe we can look back and see the historical remnants of those who mastered the Mysteries . . . in the stories of sorcerers, magicians, and healers.† â€Å"And the Masonic Pyramid?† Sato asked. â€Å"How does that fit in?† â€Å"Well,† Langdon said, striding faster now to keep pace, â€Å"this is where history and myth begin to merge. According to some accounts, by the sixteenth century in Europe, almost all of these secret fraternities had become extinct, most of them exterminated by a growing tide of religious persecution. The Freemasons, it is said, became the last surviving custodians of the Ancient Mysteries. Understandably, they feared that if their own brotherhood one day died off like its predecessors, the Ancient Mysteries would be lost for all time.† â€Å"And the pyramid?† Sato again pressed. Langdon was getting to it. â€Å"The legend of the Masonic Pyramid is quite simple. It states that the Masons, in order to fulfill their responsibility of protecting this great wisdom for future generations, decided to hide it in a great fortress.† Langdon tried to gather his recollections of the story. â€Å"Again, I stress this is all myth, but allegedly, the Masons transported their secret wisdom from the Old World to the New World–here, to America–a land they hoped would remain free from religious tyranny. And here they built an impenetrable fortress–a hidden pyramid– designed to protect the Ancient Mysteries until the time that all of mankind was ready to handle the awesome power that this wisdom could communicate. According to the myth, the Masons crowned their great pyramid with a shining, solid-gold capstone as symbol of the precious treasure within–the ancient wisdom capable of empowering mankind to his full human potential. Apotheo sis.† â€Å"Quite a story,† Sato said. â€Å"Yes. The Masons fall victim to all kinds of crazy legends.† â€Å"Obviously you don't believe such a pyramid exists.† â€Å"Of course not,† Langdon replied. â€Å"There's no evidence whatsoever to suggest that our Masonic forefathers built any kind of pyramid in America, much less in D.C. It's pretty difficult to hide a pyramid, especially one large enough to hold all the lost wisdom of the ages.† The legend, as Langdon recalled, never explained exactly what was supposed to be inside the Masonic Pyramid–whether it was ancient texts, occult writings, scientific revelations, or something far more mysterious–but the legend did say that the precious information inside was ingeniously encoded . . . and understandable only to the most enlightened souls. â€Å"Anyway,† Langdon said, â€Å"this story falls into a category we symbologists call an `archetypal hybrid'–a blend of other classic legends, borrowing so many elements from popular mythology that it could only be a fictional construct . . . not historical fact.† When Langdon taught his students about archetypal hybrids, he used the example of fairy tales, which were recounted across generations and exaggerated over time, borrowing so heavily from one another that they evolved into homogenized morality tales with the same iconic elements– virginal damsels, handsome princes, impenetrable fortresses, and powerful wizards. By way of fairy tales, this primeval battle of â€Å"good vs. evil† is ingrained into us as children through our stories: Merlin vs. Morgan le Fay, Saint George vs. the Dragon, David vs. Goliath, Snow White vs. the Witch, and even Luke Skywalker battling Darth Vader. Sato scratched her head as they turned a corner and followed Anderson down a short flight of stairs. â€Å"Tell me this. If I'm not mistaken, pyramids were once considered mystical portals through which the deceased pharaohs could ascend to the gods, were they not?† â€Å"True.† Sato stopped short and caught Langdon's arm, glaring up at him with an expression somewhere between surprise and disbelief. â€Å"You're saying Peter Solomon's captor told you to find a hidden portal, and it didn't occur to you that he was talking about the Masonic Pyramid from this legend?† â€Å"By any name, the Masonic Pyramid is a fairy tale. It's purely fantasy.† Sato stepped closer to him now, and Langdon could smell her cigarette breath. â€Å"I understand your position on that, Professor, but for the sake of my investigation, the parallel is hard to ignore. A portal leading to secret knowledge? To my ear, this sounds a lot like what Peter Solomon's captor claims you, alone, can unlock.† â€Å"Well, I can hardly believe–â€Å" â€Å"What you believe is not the point. No matter what you believe, you must concede that this man might himself believe that the Masonic Pyramid is real.† â€Å"The man's a lunatic! He may well believe that SBB Thirteen is the entrance to a giant underground pyramid that contains all the lost wisdom of the ancients!† Sato stood perfectly still, her eyes seething. â€Å"The crisis I am facing tonight is not a fairy tale, Professor. It is quite real, I assure you.† A cold silence hung between them. â€Å"Ma'am?† Anderson finally said, gesturing to another secure door ten feet away. â€Å"We're almost there, if you'd like to continue.† Sato finally broke eye contact with Langdon, motioning for Anderson to move on. They followed the security chief through the secure doorway, which deposited them in a narrow passage. Langdon looked left and then right. You've got to be kidding. He was standing in the longest hallway he had ever seen. CHAPTER 31 Trish Dunne felt the familiar surge of adrenaline as she exited the bright lights of the Cube and moved into the raw darkness of the void. The SMSC's front gate had just called to say that Katherine's guest, Dr. Abaddon, had arrived and required an escort back to Pod 5. Trish had offered to bring him back, mostly out of curiosity. Katherine had said very little about the man who would be visiting them, and Trish was intrigued. The man was apparently someone Peter Solomon trusted deeply; the Solomons never invited anyone back to the Cube. This was a first. I hope he handles the crossing okay, Trish thought as she moved through the frigid darkness. The last thing she needed was Katherine's VIP panicking when he realized what he had to do to get to the lab. The first time is always the worst. Trish's first time had been about a year ago. She had accepted Katherine's job offer, signed a nondisclosure, and then come to the SMSC with Katherine to see the lab. The two women had walked the length of â€Å"The Street,† arriving at a metal door marked POD 5. Even though Katherine had tried to prepare her by describing the lab's remote location, Trish was not ready for what she saw when the pod door hissed open. The void. Katherine stepped over the threshold, walked a few feet into the perfect blackness, and then motioned for Trish to follow. â€Å"Trust me. You won't get lost.† Trish pictured herself wandering in a pitch-black, stadium-size room and broke a sweat at the mere thought. â€Å"We have a guidance system to keep you on track.† Katherine pointed to the floor. â€Å"Very low- tech.† Trish squinted through the darkness at the rough cement floor. It took a moment to see it in the darkness, but there was a narrow carpet runner that had been laid down in a straight line. The carpet ran like a roadway, disappearing into the darkness. â€Å"See with your feet,† Katherine said, turning and walking off. â€Å"Just follow right behind me.† As Katherine disappeared into the blackness, Trish swallowed her fear and followed. This is insane! She had taken only a few steps down the carpet when the Pod 5 door swung shut behind her, snuffing out the last faint hint of light. Pulse racing, Trish turned all of her attention to the feeling of the carpet beneath her feet. She had ventured only a handful of steps down the soft runner when she felt the side of her right foot hit hard cement. Startled, she instinctively corrected to the left, getting both feet back on soft carpet. Katherine's voice materialized up ahead in the blackness, her words almost entirely swallowed by the lifeless acoustics of this abyss. â€Å"The human body is amazing,† she said. â€Å"If you deprive it of one sensory input, the other senses take over, almost instantly. Right now, the nerves in your feet are literally `tuning' themselves to become more sensitive.† Good thing, Trish thought, correcting course again. They walked in silence for what seemed entirely too long. â€Å"How much farther?† Trish finally asked. â€Å"We're about halfway.† Katherine's voice sounded more distant now. Trish sped up, doing her best to stay composed, but the breadth of the darkness felt like it would engulf her. I can't see one millimeter in front of my face! â€Å"Katherine? How do you know when to stop walking?† â€Å"You'll know in a moment,† Katherine said. That was a year ago, and now, tonight, Trish was once again in the void, heading in the opposite direction, out to the lobby to retrieve her boss's guest. A sudden change in carpet texture beneath her feet alerted her that she was three yards from the exit. The warning track, as it was called by Peter Solomon, an avid baseball fan. Trish stopped short, pulled out her key card, and groped in the darkness along the wall until she found the raised slot and inserted her card. The door hissed open. Trish squinted into the welcoming light of the SMSC hallway. Made it . . . again. Moving through the deserted corridors, Trish found herself thinking about the bizarre redacted file they had found on a secure network. Ancient portal? Secret location underground? She wondered if Mark Zoubianis was having any luck figuring out where the mysterious document was located. Inside the control room, Katherine stood in the soft glow of the plasma wall and gazed up at the enigmatic document they had uncovered. She had isolated her key phrases now and felt increasingly certain that the document was talking about the same far-flung legend that her brother had apparently shared with Dr. Abaddon. . . . secret location UNDERGROUND where the . . . . . . somewhere in WASHINGTON, D.C., the coordinates . . . . . . uncovered an ANCIENT PORTAL that led . . . . . . warning the PYRAMID holds dangerous . . . . . . decipher this ENGRAVED SYMBOLON to unveil . . . I need to see the rest of the file, Katherine thought. She stared a moment longer and then flipped the plasma wall's power switch. Katherine always turned off this energy-intensive display so as not to waste the fuel cell's liquid hydrogen reserves. She watched as her keywords slowly faded, collapsing down into a tiny white dot, which hovered in the middle of the wall and then finally twinkled out. She turned and walked back toward her office. Dr. Abaddon would be arriving momentarily, and she wanted to make him feel welcome. CHAPTER 32 â€Å"Almost there,† Anderson said, guiding Langdon and Sato down the seemingly endless corridor that ran the entire length of the Capitol's eastern foundation. â€Å"In Lincoln's day, this passage had a dirt floor and was filled with rats.† Langdon felt grateful the floor had been tiled; he was not a big fan of rats. The group continued on, their footfalls drumming up an eerie, uneven echo in the long passageway. Doorways lined the long hallway, some closed but many ajar. Many of the rooms down on this level looked abandoned. Langdon noticed the numbers on the doors were now descending and, after a while, seemed to be running out. SB4 . . . SB3 . . . SB2 . . . SB1 . . . They continued past an unmarked door, but Anderson stopped short when the numbers began ascending again. HB1 . . . HB2 . . . â€Å"Sorry,† Anderson said. â€Å"Missed it. I almost never come down this deep.† The group backed up a few yards to an old metal door, which Langdon now realized was located at the hallway's central point–the meridian that divided the Senate Basement (SB) and the House Basement (HB). As it turned out, the door was indeed marked, but its engraving was so faded, it was almost imperceptible. SBB â€Å"Here we are,† Anderson said. â€Å"Keys will be arriving any moment.† Sato frowned and checked her watch. Langdon eyed the SBB marking and asked Anderson, â€Å"Why is this space associated with the Senate side even though it's in the middle?† Anderson looked puzzled. â€Å"What do you mean?† â€Å"It says SBB, which begins with an S, not an H.† Anderson shook his head. â€Å"The S in SBB doesn't stand for Senate. It–â€Å" â€Å"Chief?† a guard called out in the distance. He came jogging up the hallway toward them, holding out a key. â€Å"Sorry, sir, it took a few minutes. We couldn't locate the main SBB key. This is a spare from an auxiliary box.† â€Å"The original is missing?† Anderson said, sounding surprised. â€Å"Probably lost,† the guard replied, arriving out of breath. â€Å"Nobody has requested access down here for ages.† Anderson took the key. â€Å"No secondary key for SBB Thirteen?† â€Å"Sorry, so far we're not finding keys for any of the rooms in the SBB. MacDonald's on it now.† The guard pulled out his radio and spoke into it. â€Å"Bob? I'm with the chief. Any additional info yet on the key for SBB Thirteen?† The guard's radio crackled, and a voice replied, â€Å"Actually, yeah. It's strange. I'm seeing no entries since we computerized, but the hard logs indicate all the storage rooms in the SBB were cleaned out and abandoned more than twenty years ago. They're now listed as unused space.† He paused. â€Å"All except for SBB Thirteen.† Anderson grabbed the radio. â€Å"This is the chief. What do you mean, all except SBB Thirteen?† â€Å"Well, sir,† the voice replied, â€Å"I've got a handwritten notation here that designates SBB Thirteen as `private.' It was a long time ago, but it's written and initialed by the Architect himself.† The term Architect, Langdon knew, was not a reference to the man who had designed the Capitol, but rather to the man who ran it. Similar to a building manager, the man appointed as Architect of the Capitol was in charge of everything including maintenance, restoration, security, hiring personnel, and assigning offices. â€Å"The strange thing . . .† the voice on the radio said, â€Å"is that the Architect's notation indicates that this `private space' was set aside for the use of Peter Solomon.† Langdon, Sato, and Anderson all exchanged startled looks. â€Å"I'm guessing, sir,† the voice continued, â€Å"that Mr. Solomon has our primary key to the SBB as well as any keys to SBB Thirteen.† Langdon could not believe his ears. Peter has a private room in the basement of the Capitol? He had always known Peter Solomon had secrets, but this was surprising even to Langdon. â€Å"Okay,† Anderson said, clearly unamused. â€Å"We're hoping to get access to SBB Thirteen specifically, so keep looking for a secondary key.† â€Å"Will do, sir. We're also working on the digital image that you requested–â€Å" â€Å"Thank you,† Anderson interrupted, pressing the talk button and cutting him off. â€Å"That will be all. Send that file to Director Sato's BlackBerry as soon as you have it.† â€Å"Understood, sir.† The radio went silent. Anderson handed the radio back to the guard in front of them. The guard pulled out a photocopy of a blueprint and handed it to his chief. â€Å"Sir, the SBB is in gray, and we've notated with an X which room is SBB Thirteen, so it shouldn't be hard to find. The area is quite small.† Anderson thanked the guard and turned his focus to the blueprint as the young man hurried off. Langdon looked on, surprised to see the astonishing number of cubicles that made up the bizarre maze beneath the U.S. Capitol. Anderson studied the blueprint for a moment, nodded, and then stuffed it into his pocket. Turning to the door marked SBB, he raised the key, but hesitated, looking uneasy about opening it. Langdon felt similar misgivings; he had no idea what was behind this door, but he was quite certain that whatever Solomon had hidden down here, he wanted to keep private. Very private. Sato cleared her throat, and Anderson got the message. The chief took a deep breath, inserted the key, and tried to turn it. The key didn't move. For a split second, Langdon felt hopeful the key was wrong. On the second try, though, the lock turned, and Anderson heaved the door open. As the heavy door creaked outward, damp air rushed out into the corridor. Langdon peered into the darkness but could see nothing at all. â€Å"Professor,† Anderson said, glancing back at Langdon as he groped blindly for a light switch. â€Å"To answer your question, the S in SBB doesn't stand for Senate. It stands for sub.† â€Å"Sub?† Langdon asked, puzzled. Anderson nodded and flicked the switch just inside the door. A single bulb illuminated an alarmingly steep staircase descending into inky blackness. â€Å"SBB is the Capitol's subbasement.†

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Taking a Look at Addisons Disease - 530 Words

Autoimmune diseases are very common. There are over 23.5 million Americans who suffer from such diseases. Women of child bearing age and people with a family history of autoimmune diseases are more likely to be affected by these diseases. Addison’s can also occur in dogs. This type of disease is one that is caused by the attack of healthy cells and tissue. The immune system can’t tell the difference between the healthy tissue and the bad one and it attacks the normal one creating an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders can destroy body tissue, change the function of an organ, or cause abnormal growth in an organ. Parts of the body that are usually affected by these disorders are joints, muscles, blood vessels, endocrine glands, or other organs. There is a wide variety of autoimmune diseases. More than 80 kinds of diseases have been discovered. One common autoimmune disease is Addison’s disease. Addison’s occurs when your body creates antibodies which attach onto your adrenal cortex and destroys the cells which create cortisol, and aldosterone. This may not seem to be a big deal but, it is life threatening. Cortisol is a hormone which responds to stress, increases blood sugar, and suppresses the immune system. . It also helps regulate the metabolism. When there is a lack of cortisol you can have symptoms such as diarrhea, inability to handle stress, vomiting, loss of appetite, and much more. Aldosterone works with blood pressure, and helps regulate the salt and waterShow MoreRelatedPathophysiology Of Addison s Disease1103 Words   |  5 PagesPathophysiology Addison’s disease is also known as Adrenocortical Insufficiency, which means the adrenal cortex does not produce enough hormones (Understanding Medical Surgical Nursing, 2015). 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If you continued to received TPN while you areRead MoreLife And Death Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay1413 Words   |  6 Pages(Department, 2013) Sicknesses Everyone thinks his life was great, but the ugly side of his life was because of his chronic bouts of illness. He experienced Addison’s disease, Osteoporosis, a bad back, which led to him taking constant pain relievers and steroids, progressive anemia, and also low blood pressure (Kelly, 2013). Addison ’s Disease is where Mr. Kennedy’s body did not produce enough cortisol leading to muscle weakness, depression, tanned skin. Most of the time this would have held downRead MoreThe Rules Of Education Act1740 Words   |  7 Pagespatient and it also has different sort of results with different human beings. Methadone is said to be a very famous and successful drug which is used in opiate addiction. The case shall be avoided in in case of patients with hypothyroidism, addison’s disease etc. herein Cisco is prescribed for the drug in order to cure himself hence this shall not be considered as an offense in the eyes of law, also substantiating that the dose was not high or taken regularly in such manner which shall get him addictedRead MoreEssay about Understanding Celiac Disease2445 Words   |  10 Pagesdiagnosed patients, there is no recognized cure for Celiac disease. What the individual must do instead, is change their diet completely. Some may think that changing a diet around is no big deal and in fact, that may be true until it happens to them. Similar to many other aspects of life, nothing seems to be a problem or as severe until it directly affects the person who thinks it is not a big issue. This makes people diagnosed with Celiac disease lives challenging. On top of having to change their diets